Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Gifts that are Great for High School Graduates!(graduations are right around the corner)

7 days........left of high school..........yes!....lets try that again......Y.E.S.!!!!!!!.....now that is more like it!

Hello everyone thanks again for taking the time to read my blog, i really appreciate it as always! Today's important topic is all about GRADUATION GIFTS!!!!! Trust me I have heard about some really BAD gifts such as these below......
  •  Grandma thanks for this sweater it looks so cool with a cat on it! I cant wait to wear it to college!
  •  Thanks Grandpa for that fishing pole because I  can use in in the corn field next to my house.
  •  Thanks Uncle Joe for the walkie talkies because i can use it to talk to you when i am 2,000 miles away from you
  • Oh and how can I forget to thank my sweet and caring Aunt Nancy for the peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies even though I am allergic to nuts.
 I am sure you all can relate to a story like the ones above. Now saying that I am an 18 year old man and since I am graduating this year( May 19th) here are some ideas for a significant graduate in your life! Sorry girls since I am not a girl I have no ideas for what girls might want....just go to google.com and type in "gifts for girls for graduation" in the search box and see what pops up.....


#1) G-SHOCK Men's ANALOG DIGITAL WATCH- $110 available at http://www1.macys.com/shop/product/g-shock-watch-mens-analog-digital-red-resin-strap-ga100b-4?ID=612140&CategoryID=23930&LinkType=PDPZ1

WHY: Yea I understand teens have iphones now to check the time. Believe me though you can go to a mall or club or anywhere and there will be kids/teens wearing funky style of watches. GET YOUR SWAG BACK and get a watch. This is at the top of my Grad. Gift wish list by the way! Take my advice and get your special someone a watch just be sure to not get them a Timex because they probably wont want to wear that out in public. If you are feeling generous( VERY GENEROUS) any Gucci watch is acceptable.


 This is for specific people that FEEL they need to get their graduate something besides CASH. Sure gift cards are just like CASH but it has the word "GIFT" in it and it is a "CARD". I'm talking cool gift cards not gift cards to Bergner's or Walmart or something lame like Subway. I'm talking cards to Best Buy, Game Stop, XBOX LIVE, nfl/mlb/nba shop/store, basically anywhere your graduate likes to shop at. CLOTHES CLOTHES CLOTHES!!!! I am huge into clothes so if it was me i would take gift cards to J.Crew, Lucky Brand, Gucci, Nike, Abercrombie, etc....... THIS is definitely a great gift for any grad as long as you give them a GREAT GIFT CARD!

#3) A VEHICLE( any vehicle that will get you from point A to point B without breaking down......)

Once again your graduate might already have a vehicle( I do not yet) and yes this gift is MAINLY FOR PARENTS OF THE GRADUATE unless you have wealthy uncles/aunts/grandparents/great grandparents/ great great grandparents(wow you are lucky!).... So Parents what vehicles are perfect for your graduate???

$10,000 or under price range

HONDA CIVIC- GREAT FUEL MILEAGE!, very safe and reliable...... 
Here is a 2006 Honda Civic EX for $9,999 available on cars.com
 2006 Honda Civic

$20,000 or under price range

DODGE CHARGER- SAFE/RELIABLE and decent fuel economy. Basically this car is for any grad who wants to ride in style with sacrificing a little fuel economy for fun.
 2009 Dodge charger SRT-8 $29,997 available on cars.com
 2009 Dodge Charger
$30,000 or under price range
CHEVROLET SILVERADO- What guy doesn't want a truck? Sure you can find trucks for $10-$20k but if your parents have the cash and they want to treat your to something nice here is a 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT for $29,991 available on cars.com
 2011 Chevrolet Silverado 1500

#4) A Cell Phone

HAHAHAHAHAH yes some graduates do not own a cellphone yet. Some Parents actually wait to give their kid a phone until they graduate. For this gift there really is only 1 option. An Iphone 4S or 5. Basically every and any carrier carries the Iphone. The 4S is cheaper than the 5 but both are good phones. Look at the pics below and then you can go to apple.com or to any retail store to investigate further.

#5) C.A.S.H. MAKE IT RAIN at your graduates' graduation party! You cannot go wrong with giving someone cash, Cash is the only present guaranteed to never get returned to where you bought it from! A suggestion for some fun is when you go up to your graduate to give him his gift make it rain by throwing the cash up in the air so it falls all around them and the room. Not only will your graduate think that is "ballin" they will remember this moment for their rest of their life! Whether it is $50, $100 or even $500 cash is the way to go for any gift!

Thanks for reading my suggestions! I hope you will remember some of these ideas when you are shopping for your graduate! Congratulations to the classes of 2013!

Peace- Seth a.k.a Dj Sk002

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2013 Miami Heat Playoffs- The "White" Jerseys, Championship countdown and RIHANNA

Which player stands out in the team photo above? No its Not Lebron. If you chose Mike Miller(if u even know who he is) you are correct

Wow. The Miami Heat are in the playoffs. What a shock! Alright I will admit it its NOT A SURPRISE or even a shock that the Heat are in the playoffs. I mean after all they have Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh on their squad WHAT THE HECK DO YOU EXPECT? Do you expect this team to suck it up and not make the playoffs? Is that even an option?Is that why Lebron went to Miami Beach in the first place? Did he go there to win or did he go there for the nightlife, clubs, partying, CHICKS, Beach houses or cars? I think we know why he went there and all. to win as many rings as he can...........

before you go on reading I ENCOURAGE you to click on this link for the Miami heats Homepage. Do It i dare you. It will blow your mind.http://www.nba.com/heat/2013-playoffs-home

whats the first word that comes to your mind? C.O.C.K.Y. yea thats right that spells cockiest team in the entire dang NBA. WHO the heck does that, i mean seriously?

2013 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP COUNTODOWN...............................too cocky if you ask me...they are counting down how many wins til they win their 2nd consecutive NBA championship....let me tell u something...THIS IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

Alright I admit it the BUCKS might not beat them but no way will the HEAT WIN AGAIN.....they are just so dang cocky it aint even funny. Lebron is a showoff, Wade thinks he is all that, Chris Anderson is just plain messed up in the head and Mike Miller..... wait who is he again???


okay next subject i think you all know by now how i feel and i hope you all feel the same except for the minority of you that are heat fans( dont judge me but if i ever met you we wouldnt get along and we would end up in a fight)

WHITE OUT THEME( I didnt even know they had these white jerseys)
Umm..let me check...yea the heat only have 2 white players on their team...so what are they trying to prove here...im lost with their slogan " WHITE HOT" PLAYOFFS 2013.....Thats a fail....I like their red jerseys and it could be "RED HOT" or something but dang white jerseys and HIGH WHITE SOCKS looks so tacky and so dumb....

okay and not only that they just gained a celebrity fan..NO ITS NOT JUSTIN BIEBER WHY WOULD YOU THINK IT WAS HIM?? ITS NOT ALL ABOUT JUSTIN THERE ARE OTHER FAMOUS CELEBRITIES>>> Jay Z? nah not him either he is still a Brooklyn fan last time i checked..no im talking about the S&M singer, Rude Boy and Disturbia singer.yep im talking about KESHA! wait what? oh my bad i meant RIHANNA!
lookin pretty thug for u RIHANNA and whats up with the replica jersey go all out and get the dang authentic jersey!u can afford it right?????

TBD to see if Rihanna shows up at more Heat games, something tells me if they lose to the Bucks She is gonna burn that lebron jersey.

Okay what else is going on down there? THE BIRDMAN HAS TAKEN FLIGHT!!!

for those of you who are unfamiliar with him, his real name is Chris Anderson "BIRDMAN" who looks like a lunatic with all those tats and mohawk. He is a fan favorite. he is a fan favorite. he is a fan favorite. pretty much why miami signed him.....he has no athletic talent...

Mrs. Birdman

Well thats all for now but i do have one favor for you all! WHEREVER YOU GO AND WHOEVER YOU SEE I WANT YOU TO GREET THEM WITH A " BEAT THE HEAT"

LETS GO anyone besides the heat!

-seth a.k.a. dj sk002

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Russell Westbrooks' Style On and Off the Court

R.U.S.S.E.L.L. W.E.S.T.B.R.O.O.K. N.B.A. S.T.A.R/ F.A.S.H.I.O.N. S.T.A.R.

If you are reading this post you must know who Russell Westbrook is. I mean who doesn't now a days? For those of you who do not know who this star is, here is a quick breakdown.
  • 6'3 Point Guard for the OKC Thunder
  • playing style= aggresive
  • has swag on the court
  • has swag off the court
  • 1/1
Yep, now you know all about him. Well not all about him. Russell Westbrook likes to be uniQue. He doesn't want or like to be anyone else. He wants people to remember him for standing out from the crowd and not being afraid to be that man he is to this day. What makes Westbrook so different then Kobe, Lebron, Kevin and JJ(Barea, Redick, Hickson)( sorry had to throw that name in there at the end ahhahah)???

Answer: His style off of the court..........

Yes that is Russell Westbrook above and not some random person!

Recently Russell appeared in ESPN the Magazine in which he appeared in a photo shoot demonstrating his certain styles. If you have not heard about this or read it be sure to click on the link below and read through the interview. It is quite interesting and is a must read!

^^ Be sure to read the story before continuing on below ^^

Now that you know all about Russell you might want to get the "WestbrookLook" for those who want to get the "WestbrookLook" continue to read on and for those who don't get outside and play some basketball!

"THE WESTBROOKLOOK" 101 for Beginners. Now you can dress like Westbrook! This is for anyone who wants to be noticed, stand out, be different, be unique, make a statement or just be yourself.
I cannot put the links on here but just type the brand name into google and see if you want to pick up some gear like Russ. i KNOW I WILL ONCE I GET SOME EXTRA SPENDING CASH!

American Apparel- Fishermen Beanie-$22

Harry Winston Ocean Sport Quartz-$14,100

Burberry Splash Sunglasses- $220

Alexander Wang Slub Crewneck tee-$90

RALPH LAUREN BLACK LABEL Cotton Canvas Mariner Jacket-$995.00

Louis Vuitton Riveted Belt-$545

Gucci white fine corduroy 60's skinny pant-$595

Air Jordan Retro 1 Basketball shoes-$114.99

                                            GRAND TOTAL: $16,681.99 ( or the price of a brand new car)

There you go all Westbrook fans now you can dress just like the super star if you got some extra spending cash......Regardless Westbrook is a class act on and off the court and will always be a force in fashion and basketball. thanks for taking the time to read all this.. i hope you enjoyed it! this was the longest blog i have written yet so i appreciate all the support! until next time...
-seth a.k.a djsk002

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Seths' Special Sports Section

Hello everyone! As today is Wednesday we all know its the middle of the week still 2 days left of the work week until the must needed weekend. So to get your Wednesday going I have a video for you to watch that is really neat.

This is the Minnesota Timberwolves running onto the court against the Los Angeles Lakers a couple of weeks ago!


-Seth a.k.a. Dj SK002

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What Exactly is this blog about? Well its about Sports, Music and Style (SML for short)

my name is Seth Largent, I am 18 years old and am a senior at Tremont High School( suburb of Peoria,IL). I am the typical teenager, I am obsessed with sports( NFL,MLB,NBA and of course Fantasy sports), huge music fan( EDM, RAP, HIP-HOP, COUNTRY) and CLOTHES( Shoes as well). In this blog I will talk about my 3 favorite subjects. I will talk about teams and players new music and artists and the latest styles for men that are available! I hope you all enjoy my future blogs!
Forget about Trey Burke, Spike Albrecht has arrived


Seth's Sports Star of the Week:

SPIKE ALBRECHT( University of Michigan)
17 points off the bench in the NCAA title game after only averaging 1.5 ppg before the championship game!!!


Seth's Music Group of the Week:

Have you heard their new single/saw their music video for their hit new song "ALIVE" yet? I suggest you take a look! there is a good chance you will want to see them live!


Seths picks for SPRING STYLE!

Well I hope you enjoy my first blog about sports, music and style! I will have a new blog each week for everyone to keep up to date on the hottest and latest trends!
-Seth a.k.a DjSk002