Wednesday, April 24, 2013

2013 Miami Heat Playoffs- The "White" Jerseys, Championship countdown and RIHANNA

Which player stands out in the team photo above? No its Not Lebron. If you chose Mike Miller(if u even know who he is) you are correct

Wow. The Miami Heat are in the playoffs. What a shock! Alright I will admit it its NOT A SURPRISE or even a shock that the Heat are in the playoffs. I mean after all they have Lebron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh on their squad WHAT THE HECK DO YOU EXPECT? Do you expect this team to suck it up and not make the playoffs? Is that even an option?Is that why Lebron went to Miami Beach in the first place? Did he go there to win or did he go there for the nightlife, clubs, partying, CHICKS, Beach houses or cars? I think we know why he went there and all. to win as many rings as he can...........

before you go on reading I ENCOURAGE you to click on this link for the Miami heats Homepage. Do It i dare you. It will blow your mind.

whats the first word that comes to your mind? C.O.C.K.Y. yea thats right that spells cockiest team in the entire dang NBA. WHO the heck does that, i mean seriously?

2013 NBA CHAMPIONSHIP COUNTODOWN...............................too cocky if you ask me...they are counting down how many wins til they win their 2nd consecutive NBA championship....let me tell u something...THIS IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

Alright I admit it the BUCKS might not beat them but no way will the HEAT WIN AGAIN.....they are just so dang cocky it aint even funny. Lebron is a showoff, Wade thinks he is all that, Chris Anderson is just plain messed up in the head and Mike Miller..... wait who is he again???


okay next subject i think you all know by now how i feel and i hope you all feel the same except for the minority of you that are heat fans( dont judge me but if i ever met you we wouldnt get along and we would end up in a fight)

WHITE OUT THEME( I didnt even know they had these white jerseys)
Umm..let me check...yea the heat only have 2 white players on their what are they trying to prove lost with their slogan " WHITE HOT" PLAYOFFS 2013.....Thats a fail....I like their red jerseys and it could be "RED HOT" or something but dang white jerseys and HIGH WHITE SOCKS looks so tacky and so dumb....

okay and not only that they just gained a celebrity fan..NO ITS NOT JUSTIN BIEBER WHY WOULD YOU THINK IT WAS HIM?? ITS NOT ALL ABOUT JUSTIN THERE ARE OTHER FAMOUS CELEBRITIES>>> Jay Z? nah not him either he is still a Brooklyn fan last time i im talking about the S&M singer, Rude Boy and Disturbia singer.yep im talking about KESHA! wait what? oh my bad i meant RIHANNA!
lookin pretty thug for u RIHANNA and whats up with the replica jersey go all out and get the dang authentic jersey!u can afford it right?????

TBD to see if Rihanna shows up at more Heat games, something tells me if they lose to the Bucks She is gonna burn that lebron jersey.

Okay what else is going on down there? THE BIRDMAN HAS TAKEN FLIGHT!!!

for those of you who are unfamiliar with him, his real name is Chris Anderson "BIRDMAN" who looks like a lunatic with all those tats and mohawk. He is a fan favorite. he is a fan favorite. he is a fan favorite. pretty much why miami signed him.....he has no athletic talent...

Mrs. Birdman

Well thats all for now but i do have one favor for you all! WHEREVER YOU GO AND WHOEVER YOU SEE I WANT YOU TO GREET THEM WITH A " BEAT THE HEAT"

LETS GO anyone besides the heat!

-seth a.k.a. dj sk002

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